Sunday 16 June 2013

Uffmoor Amble 10 : Elan Aqueduct

Sunday 16 June 2013.
Our first ever day geocaching - stop 1.

Having read about geocaching on the" 50 things to do before you are 11¾" list on the National Trust website, being big kids at heart, my driver and his girlfriend really thought it was perhaps something they should have a go at.

Things did not start off too well - although we have labelled this as our first stop, technically speaking, "the view from a bridge" in Stratford was our first search. However, it was a failed attempt due to incorrect co-ordinates, so we agreed to go back to it later in the day as the thought of breakfast at Nimmings Wood cafe (Clent Hills) was by now becoming too great!

After my driver, his girlfriend and his son had tucked into their bacon and egg sarnies (highly recommended), they picked the Elan Aqueduct from the list of nearby easy caches and drove to the car park as directed. Eagerly setting off along the footpath, the trio were feeling pretty positive, and excited about the fact that they were already discovering new places that they didn't even know existed.

Upon reaching the aqueduct (and thankful for the pre-warning on the cache description about the trip wire), the three spent the next 45 minutes looking high, low and absolutely everywhere in the vicinity for the hidden container (which according to previous logs was an "easy find") Maybe, we weren't cut out for the geocaching lark after all? Surely it couldn't be that hard to find lol.

Finally, we admitted defeat, convinced that the container had been muggled (as it had been a few weeks before) and wasn't actually there at all. My driver has now added the cache to his watchlist so if anyone does find it or update the log, hopefully the mystery of elusive container will be solved.

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