Monday 24 June 2013

Airfield History

Sunday 23 June 2013

It was that time of the week again, when my two were thinking where they could go for their Sunday brunch. Wellesbourne airfield cafe just outside Stratford-upon-Avon seemed like the best option so off we set.
But we couldn't go out driving without checking out the list of nearby caches, and as it happened there was one just where we were heading - and it was a puzzle one which was even better.

After polishing of a full English breakfast between them, my two set about trying to find the answers to the puzzle, which apart from one, wasn't actually that easy. They had a look around the airfield museum which, although interesting, did not hold any of the answers, and in the end they used their phones to look up the information on the airfield website.

We are still not sure whether the website is the only source of the information required, but if so, an information leaflet within the cafe might not be a bad idea. I am sure customers would enjoy reading about the history of the airfield....and of course it would be massively useful to fellow geocachers. (There is obviously the chance that there is already such a leaflet and we just missed it!)

Once we had the final set of co-ords we started searching, but it soon became clear that we would have to ask somebody for access to cache, which would have been fine, but we were unsure whether it was the cafe staff, airfield personnel, or some other person that we should be asking, and therefore we decided to abandon this one and move on.

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