Monday 24 June 2013

Charlecote Chase

Sunday 23 June 2013

Having abandoned the previous cache, we decided to choose another puzzle one that was just up the road in Charlecote.

The first step involved obtaining information from a church graveyard :-/
My driver located the correct headstone, worked out the puzzle and the answers were converted into the co-ords for the next leg of the search.

However, we didn't quite get the co-ords right, and ended up being "removed" from somewhere we shouldn't have been lol!

Entering them a little more carefully the second time round, we travelled to the correct location and began hunting. It wasn't long before my driver located the cache, and "Bertie Van" was once again entered into a geocaching log book :-)

Great hiding spot, beautiful location, lots of fun. Time for a drink maybe in nearby Wellesbourne?  

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