Monday 24 June 2013

Heavens Above! - Holy Trinity

Sunday 23rd June 2013

We weren't planning on looking for geocaches as we had to get to Birmingham, but we were literally driving straight past so just could not resist the temptation, especially as it was a two-stage puzzle cache lol.

The co-ordinates led us to a parking area next to a church. A nice rest for me, and a list of questions for my two, the answers to which could be found within the churchyard.

As there were quite a few headstones, they decided to set off in different directions, looking for dates and names as required. All but one of the answers were found after about a 20 minute search. My two had another look around the churchyard together for the final answer but to no avail so decided to return to where I was parked and see if they could work out the final co-ordinates from the rest of the answers.

Luckily, the missing answer was not vital, and the final set of co-ordinates were worked out and entered into the phone.

As we realised later, you really need to walk to the final destination, but because the heavens had just opened (not a little, but torrential, risk-of-flooding type rain!), my driver swung me around and we set off back along the main road.

According to the map, we needed to take the first left, simple.....unless of course the first left is a private drive into a business park, gated and locked as today was a Sunday.  The next left then maybe? But no, this seemed to be taking us away from the cache's hiding place!

The rain continued to pour, and as time was ticking by and we really should be getting to Birmingham anytime soon, we decided this was one that we would have to come back to on another, sunnier day.

Watch this space.......

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