Monday 24 June 2013

Two Heads Are Better Than One!

Sunday 23 June 2013.

Having just finished hunting one down in Charlecote, I fancied having a pit-stop in Wellesbourne, and my two fancied a drink, so they were quite excited when they found this cache because to complete it you need to walk from one pub to another. And it was another puzzle cache too - in three stages this time.

Perfect :-)

The first set of co-ordinates were for the parking area by one of the pubs, and avoiding the temptation of a drink at this stage, my two set off along a path to the second set of co-ordinates. Here they had to find a clue for the first half of the actual co-ordinates of where the cache was hidden. Keeping up so far?

Once they had solved this clue and worked out the North co-ords, they continued along the path to the second pub, near to which they had to solve another clue to get the West co-ords of the cache location. They then sat for a while, relaxing over a half lager each, and when refreshed set on their way again, retracing their steps, but this time heading for the final destination.

The dense tree cover was not conducive to achieving an accurate compass reading, but my two were able to get to within a few metres of where they thought the cache should be - the hint threw them a little because although it gave a precise description of the object by which the cache was hidden, it also said it was on the right hand side....and my two took it as meaning the object itself was on the right hand side of the path, when in fact, after almost an hour of searching, avoiding joggers and dog walkers, and looking on google maps carefully as to the layout of the land, it dawned on my driver that the object was actually on the left hand side of the path, and the cache was to the right of that!! Still keeping up?

Anyway, the cache was located straightaway after the penny had dropped. Inside they found their first ever "travel bug" which they retrieved in order to place somewhere else at a future point in time to assist in its journey around the world, and very soon they returned to where I was parked. It is a good job I don't get bored easily with all this sitting around!

Once on the road again, my two chatted about the lovely route they had just walked, and both agreed that neither of them would perhaps have ever found it, had it not been for geocaching. It is definitely a perfect way to discover new places.

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