Sunday 16 June 2013

Midfielder, Hobditch Hunt

Sunday 16 June 2013.
Our first ever day geocaching - stop 4.

A few country lanes from our previous stop at Oppa Ullenhall Stile brought us to a parking area next a lovely village church and in the midst of peaceful countryside.
My two loaded the compass up and set off across a field in search of the small plastic container. They seemed to be quite excited by their new found hobby, even though two containers had so far been elusive!
The directions of the compass brought them to a large tree and they began their hunt. It didn't take my driver very long to discover the clever hiding spot. They had a look through the contents of the container, signed the log, and then returning everything back as they had found it, set off back across the field, enthusiastically discussing where they should head off to next.
After a wander around the churchyard, we set off towards home, and decided that somewhere near Wootton Wawen should be our next stop.


  1. thankyou. Very interesting.

  2. David, glad you appreciate the blog.

