Sunday 16 June 2013

Stratford-upon-Avon, View from a Bridge

Sunday 16 June 2013.
Our first ever day geocaching - stop 7.

If you have read about our adventures at Uffmoor Amble 10 : Elan Aqueduct (number one on the list), you will know that we had attempted this one first thing this morning, but incorrect co-ords and the call of breakfast caused us to abandon the search.

View from a Bridge is in two stages - firstly you have to solve a small puzzle, then the answers, when put in the correct order, give you the co-ords for where the cache is hidden.

Not ones to give up easily, as we drove back into Stratford that evening, we decided to have another look at this one. We re-checked our answers from earlier and entered them into the phone. Strangely, even though the answers were correct, a totally different location came up this time (albeit only probably half a mile from the first, but that is quite a distance when you are searching for something as small as your thumb)!

We had been in the centre of town in the morning, lots of people about, market stalls, buildings either side of the road, etc., which made us think that perhaps searching the GPS on the phone in a built up area isn't a wise thing to do.

Anyway, we drove to where the co-ords were now directing us and lo and behold, after about ten minutes of searching and avoiding muggles (non-geocachers!), my driver found the cache.

Great hiding place and a fun cache to do. We agreed that the puzzle ones were our favourite :-)

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