Sunday 16 June 2013

Uffmoor Wood

Sunday 16 June 2013
1st day geocaching - stop 2

Disappointed at not having found the cache at the previous location (Elan Aqueduct), we selected another location from the list of nearby caches and parked up.

The description on the geocaching website for this cache states that ....."Due to the positioning of the cache there is no requirement to leave the established paths within the wood until you are within 5 metres of the cache itself".

What could be more straight forward than that? The trio walked away from the road and turned right along one of the aforesaid established paths in the direction the compass was pointing. After walking this way for a fair while, the compass swung sharply left so they took the next pathway that they came across, albeit a smaller, less defined one.

This path then petered out and the trio found themselves in a clearing, according to the compass about 500 metres away from the cache. It didn't seem worth turning round so they went "off road" instead, battling their way through chest high undergrowth and negotiating the slippery slopes down and back out of a ravine! This was becoming quite a regular occurrence for my two, setting off on a clearly marked footpath then without really realising, ending up in the middle of nowhere! But with every step they were getting closer to the cache, so that was all that really mattered.

Yippee....the trip had been worth was our first ever cache hidden in the undergrowth just where it should be....this was so exciting lol :-) There was lots of goodies inside, plus the log, which the trio obviously signed with a big smile on their faces.

Now to find their way back to civilisation. Funnily enough, just 5 metres from the cache, there was a large obvious path which led straight back to the road. If only they had turned left instead of right at the very beginning......

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