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Adventures of Bertie: Geocaching

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Today (16th June 2013) my driver and his girlfriend decided to try their hand at Geocaching, this page will record how they get on with the new pastime.

Click the code for the website and click the name for the blog.

  1. GC3BPKF - Uffmoor Amble 10 : Elan Aqueduct
  2. GCYG1R - Uffmoor Wood
  3. GC48QRA - Oppa Ullenhall Stile
  4. GC3CV0G - Midfielder, Hobditch Hunt
  5. GC1CZEQ - SideTracked - Wootton Wawen
  6. GC3MXTD - Red Phone Box #43, Stratford-upon-Avon
  7. GC1A2YW - Stratford-upon-Avon, View from a Bridge
  8. GC2TM09 - Buzzbee's country pile
  9. GC2PQPC - Welford calling..........
  10. GC1PF5F - A46 (The Ridgeway)
  11. GCYRGF - Cotswold olimpicks
  12. GC3X6BG - Cotswold Olimpians Letterbox Cache.
  13. GC2V07N - Trust Us!
  14. GC2P593 - Aston-Sub-Edge Calling......
  15. GC3JDY0 - Mickleton Calling........
  16. GC3BT2A - Airfield History
  17. GC2F43A - Charlecote Chase
  18. GC11KP4 - Two Heads Are Better Than One!
  19. GC1EB91 - Heavens Above! - Holy Trinity
  20. GC20WN7 - Gregory's Grab
  21. GC26T88 - Tramway Traverse
  22. GC1E9YX - Uninhabited Island

Fifty caches found now. So my two will be only completing difficulty three and up from now on. Also when they reach one hundred FOUND caches, they will start placing some too.

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